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Pallet Racking in Kent | What to Know Before Ordering a Pallet Racking System

If you have plans to purchase a pallet racking system for your business premises, you’ll need a supplier with sufficient experience to provide a detailed written quotation without any unwelcome surprises. Here at Gatwick Forklifts, we treat you and your order with care, respect and enthusiasm. We have already built storage systems for clients working in a wide range of sectors and can help you with your personal needs.

Our company helps businesses in Kent to determine the optimal type and amount of pallet racking needed to work well with floor layouts while maintaining a safe, efficient environment.

This news post identifies the key points any customer or client needs to consider when requesting a quotation.

Load Capacities – The frames and beams of your pallet racking system must be of a sufficient thickness and quality to hold the amount of weight placed on each level. Gatwick Forklifts is meticulous in working with your proposed inventory, and in calculating the number of beams needed for each storage bay.

Available Space – Our ability to work alongside businesses in the Kent area in a personable manner helps us to not only identify the optimal amount of space available for a pallet racking system. It also means we can allow for other things, especially in new premises, like extra work or office space.

Restrictions – The main purpose of bespoke storage is to give your premises optimised room space. It might seem obvious that we use the height of the property in our calculations, but less experienced installers sometimes forget to factor the height of loaded pallets into their finished racking designs.

Plant and Machinery – Our existing customers in Kent will know already that we’ve built our reputation on forklifts. When we provide you with a quotation for pallet racking, we evaluate the best type of system by looking at your current plant, and at any machinery you might need for your new installation.

Bolting or Welding – Systems with a welded construction have lower costs when it comes to installation and provide your racking with more strength. While a bolted system might cost a little more, it is easier to maintain and repair. If you find your needs ever change, bolted racking reconfigures simply.

Installation Standard – Never think you know enough to perform your own installation if you want a pallet racking system that works for your Kent premises. Always choose a professional installer who can advise you about an optimal solution in a way that is beneficial to the future needs of your business.

At Gatwick Forklifts, we help you to plan your installation down to the finest detail. We pay strict attention to floor space, access and potential safety issues, combining our experience as a business with the talents of a hardworking team that is suitably qualified. Our vision means your new pallet racking system can work for your business today, and it will also be adaptable when it comes to your future growth.

Call us now to request a site visit, initial consultation and free quotation, anywhere in the Kent area.

For pallet racking services in Kent, call 01293 831300.